Monday, June 6, 2016

DNA Testing in Immigration Cases

A DNA test is used to prove or disprove the biological relationship between two parties. DNA tests are most commonly used to determine the paternity of a child in custody cas-es, to determine if there has marital infidelity, when seeking alimony payments or when researching ancestral lines. In it is also used in law enforcement to help identify a suspect or exonerate an innocent one. Another common use of DNA tests is U.S. immigration cases.

Why use DNA for Immigration Reasons

During the immigration process, specifically in a family-based immigration case, the ap-plicant must show a biological relationship with their U.S. sponsor. These tests determine the paternity, maternity or sibling relationship between the two parties that is needed to approve entrance into the United States. These tests are need when the applicant does not have the proper documentation to prove the genetic bond exists. Documents needed for this are a birth certificate, school paperwork or the likes. If these documents are not provided or if the U.S. Citizenship & Immigrations Services (USCIS) department determines that the paperwork is insufficient than a DNA test is needed to prove the bio-logical relationship exists.

How DNA Tests are Performed

If an immigration DNA test is needed, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security re-quires that the testing be done by an AABB-accredited immigration testing labs. DNA tests that are performed with at-home kits or at an unaccredited lab will not be accepted as they are not admissible in the court of law. The preferred means of testing is a buccal cell swab of both parties. This involves swabbing the inside cheek of both the applicant and the sponsor with a Q-tip and testing the sample for biological connection. This has to be done with care by a trained and accredited lab. Contamination of the samples can eas-ily happen if safety measures are not taken before, during and after the samples are taken.

The Benefits of an Immigration DNA Tests

In order to save time and speed along an immigration case, it is oftentimes beneficial to submit a DNA test with the paperwork, especially if there is no proper documentation. This will, in many cases, save time, streamline the process and bring loved ones to the U.S. to visit their family. If you do choose to submit a DNA test, be sure to use an AABB-accredited lab to be accepted by the U.S. government. DNA tests are 99.5% ac-curate in determining biological relationship. If you are in the Houston area and are in need of DNA testing, contact us.

National Screening Centers are your specialist DNA Testing providers. Our test process examines each DNA sample more than 10 times. It is com-pletely confidential and we only release information to authorized parties

Orignal From: DNA Testing in Immigration Cases

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