Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Intrenet Marketing VS Forex Currency Trading


Did you notice that when someone tries to sell something to you - such as a system for making money - it always makes it look much easier?
Let's take a look at two Internet companies that are almost as opposed to each other - Internet marketing and foreign exchange currency trading.

You may have heard of old Internet proverbs - Build a better website, they will come. That is not true!
You can put a website advertising fee for your site, but they still won't come because they don't know where to look!

Let's see what you need to build a successful internet marketing business.

First of all, you need a product. If you have been reading recent Internet marketing advertising, you will know that you need a niche product.
Actually, new things are niche, but whatever they call it, they need a product with high demand but low supply.

Finding the right niche is the hardest part of the process, but let's say you have a killer product. What else do you need? List of


Ask any internet marketer, they will say that the most important part of your business is your choice list.
For people to join your list, you usually have to give them something of value, such as a free eBook or a report on the subject of your main product line.
To keep them interested, you need to keep in touch with them and provide them with more information, suggestions and tips.


In order to promote your list of candidates, you need a website (although there are other ways to promote your list), whose function will encourage people to register your list.

You also need a killer killer website to describe and sell your killer product. This may or may not be the same as the one you used to select the list.

Killer copy.

Maybe you are not a good writer. There are many e-books on this subject that can help you, or you can pay to write a copy for you.

You need a domain name, preferably a domain name that has something to do with this product, but good domain names are becoming harder to find.


In order for people to visit your site first, you need to register it with a search engine.

SEO (search engine optimization) is itself an art. You can pay the price on this issue, or pay someone to work for you (but please note that not all experts are!).

You may also want to advertise your listings in newsletters and e-newsletters. Although you may receive free advertising in exchange for articles, it's better to charge a fee.

Auto answer.

To automate your business, you need an auto responder. These smart devices automatically send e-mails to each person in the selection list at predetermined intervals and include a predetermined copy.

For example, you can create a series of emails containing five parts of the free course and send one copy per day for the first five days.
Then send emails for different products each week.

Every time someone registers your list, they automatically start from scratch, so everyone can get full marketing materials.

We haven't even seen member sales and marketing, but I'm sure you got the photo.
The basic idea of ​​selling via the Internet sounds good, but more than most people realize.

Forex Currency Trading

Some people say that the transaction is the last border, the last place where men and women can stand up against the world.

It sounds wild, but most of it is true! You have won or lost your own hard work. If you win, it is like having your own bank.

However, even if you own a bank is a business, you must work hard to put the money there - and keep it!

Unlike online marketing, this type of effort is all about letting people join your list and selling their stuff.
Currency trading has no customers. It's worth reiterating - you don't need customers through currency trading.

No customer means that you do not need any accessories related to internet marketing, for example:



domain name

selection list

advertisement [19659002] e-book and report

]Auto Responder

Any other marketing aid

So far this is fine, but what do you need to do and what do you need? Well, you need to know what the currency price is.

You can get a price list at the end of each trading day without many websites. If you want to trade during the day - intraday trading,
you can get real-time prices from several data providers for a nominal fee.
In the Forex market, often referred to as Forex, you can get these data and charting software for free from many websites.

Well, that's a little simpler. In order to trade currencies, you need to analyze the data and determine in which direction the price goes.
In other words, you need a system that requires learning and dedication.

There are many other things you need to know - trading terms, margin, leverage, money management, order types, trader psychology, and more.

However, all of these can be found on e-books and courses and on the Internet.

You also need to prepay some funds to fund your trading account. For Forex, you can start from $300-$500, although you will be advised to start more.

Therefore, although you do not have a constant desire for new customers, new products, and creative sales skills,
before you begin you do need some kind of education or training, and you need discipline when trading.

For more information on getting started with Forex trading, please visit: http://www.webkept.com

Earning money will work both online and offline. Before you begin, make sure you know what is involved, and remember that the more you invest in business, the easier it is to get.


Orignal From: Intrenet Marketing VS Forex Currency Trading

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