Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Forex trading hours - When can you make money?


Many new Forex traders often ask questions about forex trading hours: When is the best time to trade Forex? Unlike other financial markets, the foreign exchange market is closed only on weekends. The foreign exchange market opened on Sunday evening (5 pm Eastern time) and closed again Friday afternoon (4 pm Eastern time). When the Asian market closed, the European market opened up, then the American market until the Asian market opened again.

So this means that you as a trader have complete freedom in trading.

But not all trading hours are equally beneficial for foreign exchange trading.

The question is "When is the deal?". We will try to answer this question.

Asian time (Tokyo) (7 pm: 4 am EST):

Asian foreign exchange trading session starts at 7:00 p.m. GMT (12:00 GMT), and is in Eastern Time. Closed at 4am (9:00 GMT). In this transaction, the most frequently traded foreign exchanges are GBP/JPY, GBP/Swiss Franc and USD/JPY. The cross of these currencies can fluctuate by 110 points.

U.S. Time (New York) (8 am: 5 pm EST):

U.S. time starts at 8 am Eastern Time and ends at 5 pm Eastern Time. Because other markets, stocks and bonds and other factors are closely related to the US dollar, the U.S. accounting stocks are very unstable. During these foreign exchange trading hours, the usually tradeable currency pairs traded were this meeting: GBP/USD, GBP/JPY and USD/JPY fluctuating around 95 points. There are also transactions in USD/EUR and USD/CAD.

European Conference (London) (2am: 12pm Eastern Time)

London is the most important and influential trading center with a market share of more than 30%. Due to the market's liquidity and rapid efficiency, most of all foreign exchange transactions in the market are performed during these foreign exchange trading hours.

All major currency pairs are traded at this meeting. For risky traders, the fluctuations of GBP/JPY and GBP/SwF are very high, even exceeding 140 points.


Orignal From: Forex trading hours - When can you make money?

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