Monday, April 9, 2018

Cash lets you get out of debt


According to some sources, credit card debt is the bane of modern American consumers. If you believe in the media, Americans are flooding high-interest unsecured debt. It consumes a large part of our monthly income and profits from the establishment of long-term savings.

In addition, this excess of debt has spawned several cottage industries: wealthy fast fraudsters buy millions of dollars of old debt to exchange for the US dollar, and then they turn to collect consumer debt; debt consolidation offers Providers provide loans to help consumers transfer debt from one place to another, but only realize that it has not diminished at all; bankruptcy lawyers who prove their astronomical rates are legalized by the new bankruptcy laws.

Debt is a big business, it makes a very small number of very rich people. We other people must figure out how to deal with our debt problem. I began to think of ways to start dealing with my own credit card problem; that is, I tried to use them less.

This is not a breakthrough thing, so don't expect a silver bullet or some quick plan to immediately eliminate your debt. No, my solution is simple. Some people call it old school.

1. I have hidden my credit card. It's not that I can't find them, but I put them outside of my sight. If I see them every day, I will be more willing to use them.

2. I withdraw cash from ATM several times a week. I only have enough time to pay my expenses for a few days. If I run out of cash, I won't use a debit card, and I certainly won't use my credit card.

3. I note every dollar I spend. This helps me keep the budget, but at the end of this month, I will also check my consumption patterns and find where I can cut. If I see myself spending too much in any area, I have found a way to reduce this expenditure.

So these three steps can help me curb spending and avoid accumulating more debt. I find that most other methods are just a Band-Aid, and the real debt reform comes from changing habits.


Orignal From: Cash lets you get out of debt

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