Thursday, March 29, 2018

The best deal in home mortgage loans and its shortcomings


There are many home loan options on the market. You try to choose the one that works best for you, but finding the perfect solution has proved to be a very difficult task. For this reason, all options need to be considered separately.

After the economic crisis struck, the global bank's economy began to suffer. For this reason, banks are increasingly seeking creative ways for the public to attract attractive funds. The crisis and the current situation have forced banks to create more attractive home loan options for customers in order to increase capital. The bank chose to modify internal processes to suit the market's emergency situation. Therefore, the selection process for home mortgage loan applications should be more careful.

Banks want quality customers with excellent mortgage loans. These customers' funds are more secure than other customers. Banks use home mortgages as a way of operating funds because mortgages bind customers to banks for many years.

Fortunately, not all banks have decided to adopt the same strategy. In addition, competition forces financial institutions to create better home loan options for their customers. The types of home mortgage loans we discuss are those that have competitive interest rates enough to stimulate the market and attract customers. The disadvantage of these home loans is their selective access.

If you are looking for a home mortgage loan transaction, you may find it through the internet. However, banks are still using traditional methods to grant and provide information on housing loans.

After comparing different loan offers, we chose the loan with the best reference for Euribor. We also proposed the requirements for each option. Remember not to choose only one factor. We recommend that you not only look at interest rates but also look at the extra costs and products that result from each option.

The choice of the three best home mortgage loans we have found is as follows:

1. The most competitive interest rate for Deutsche Bank is a home mortgage loan with an interest rate of +0.17%. In order to get this loan, you need to get a credit card that costs at least €3,000 a year.

2. Activa Plus ActivoBank Mortgage with Euribor + 0.22%, this ratio applies only to life and home insurance with the same institution.

3. Uno-e Mortgage's interest rate is + 0.25% and only requires the customer to obtain home insurance from the same company.


Orignal From: The best deal in home mortgage loans and its shortcomings

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