If you have decided to liquidate your credit card debt, you may be wondering if the best option is to hire a debt settlement company to negotiate with your creditors. The fact is that solving the debt problem on its own is a better choice. You need commitment and dedication to achieve your goals. You also need to be patient through the debt liquidation negotiation process. Many people are very successful in repaying debt, and you can do the same. In order to solve the debt problem, you need to keep in mind the following:
What debt can you solve?
You can only resolve unsecured debt, such as credit card debt, stone card debt, medical bills, refunds, and personal loans. Student loans also belong to the category of unsecured debt, but it is difficult to solve because there are many government protection measures that prevent them from accepting reconciliation
Negotiating points
- You should make a settlement for the debt before starting negotiations.
- Before calling your creditors, you need to state in front of you your most recent account statements and any settlement quotes that the claimant or collection agency has sent to you.
- Wait for creditors to provide their prices so that you will know where they are. You don't want to accept their first offer, so their first quote should be considered a starting point.
- During the conversation, you need to clearly tell them from the outset that you intend to repay your debt. If you respond to the rude attitude of creditors, don't be impatient. This should not be a surprise, usually collectors will not have such a practice. Do not increase. If you refuse to repay personal debt to what you are talking about, ask him to talk to their supervisor.
- As a professional, you do not want to show anger, because it will only hurt your career. You should also avoid using disrespectful language.
- If your answer is not good even after talking to your supervisor, you do not need to give up. Write to the collection director and company president. You need to write exactly what you are prepared to pay. Those responsible for corporate communications may prefer to hear your proposal.
Orignal From: Settlement of credit card debt
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