Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Government Mortgage Program - Fannie Mae Refi-Plus - Is It Worth Hype? We think so


Federal Mortgage Association Refinancing Plan

The recent housing crisis has caused many people to invert the value of their homes and increased the number of foreclosures; mortgage insurance has become very difficult. In the good old days, if you don't have a 20% house to buy a home, you can take out a second mortgage so you don't have to pay for mortgage insurance. Mortgage insurance companies will go bankrupt during the crisis, and 20% of the second mortgage is actually difficult to achieve. So, if your house does not have 20% of equity value, how do you refinance your home and use low-rate mortgages? The answer, then, is the Fannie Mae Fellowship Refinancing Plan, which is a government plan that can be used by inverted people. Therefore, in order to keep it simple, we can quickly analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the program:


  • If your home value is upside down, homes worth up to 105%. For example, if you owe 200,000 at home, as long as your home value is not less than $190,000, you qualify for
  • without a minimum credit score, although if your credit score is below 580
  • the loan does not require Mortgage Insurance (MI), but if you now have (MI) you must keep your new (MI) loan
  • You can subordinate to an existing second mortgage, which means that you keep the current with the existing lender There is a second mortgage loan.


  • You cannot have a second mortgage and combine the two mortgages into a single loan.
  • If you have a mortgage insurance, you must keep it.
  • The assessment value of your home can still be decided to approve.
  • Your current loan must already be with the existing Fannie Mae lender, otherwise you are not eligible.
  • Your credit score determines the rate you receive.
  • applies only to refinancing mortgage loans

In summary, we find that Fannie Mae Refinance Plus is a good plan, and it has many benefits for people whose home value has fallen. Although there are many determinants that need to be approved, the traditional refinancing approval factor is not difficult.

For more information on DU Refinance plus in Idaho click on the link


Orignal From: Government Mortgage Program - Fannie Mae Refi-Plus - Is It Worth Hype? We think so

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