Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Affiliate Marketing - Why Search Engine Optimization is Better than Beginner PPC!


Many affiliate marketers rely solely on pay-per-click advertising to get traffic to their pre-sale sites. This is a good traffic generation strategy, although if you are just trying to start the business, it is a bit difficult.

For novice members, I always recommend search engine optimization because they can learn entry and exit affiliate marketing during this learning curve without losing money.

First, let us answer this question: What does SEO mean?

Seo stands for Search Engine Optimization. In other words, how to get your affiliate site to be at the top of search engines like Google, Yahoo and MSN.

Every time you perform a search in a search engine (such as Google), you have a page with 10 results (more if you change the settings). The page is divided into two parts: the right side is the paid results (AdWords), and the left side is the paid results: SERPs.

SEO will help you get your website on SERP's homepage (also called organic results).

Although rankings in MSN are easier than Yahoo and Google, strange things sometimes happen...

I'm trying to make a website rank in MSN's main keyword because it's a Simple word goal, but I'm alone in Google, not MSN.

What about Yahoo?

Yahoo is harder to enter and I don't even register my site in their directory.

I prefer to focus only on Google's websites and blogs because I also get traffic from Yahoo and MSN. Sometimes I will get high rankings through MSN, but I will not try to optimize my site for any of the other two search engines.

Do you need free traffic as a member?

The answer is yes. Whether you are a novice or market veteran, you want to visit your website for free.

My favorite search engine optimization is that when you only focus on one or two websites, it doesn't require a lot of money to start. But if you have cash, I would recommend outsourcing.

Another question you may ask is: Do I need a piece of software?

No, you don't need software either. I have a software called Traffic Travis (almost all keyword elites do this). However, I only used it two or three times to check my game.

A good keyword research software can save you a lot of time, but it is not required. In addition, software is never a magic drug, and you need to understand that you need to complete this work.


Orignal From: Affiliate Marketing - Why Search Engine Optimization is Better than Beginner PPC!

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