Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Tips For Staging Condos That Sell

Property staging is a fantastic way to sell homes faster and increase the amounts that are offered. Condos are no exception to this and properly staging your condo can have a huge impact on the success of the sale.

Staging a condo is all about selling a lifestyle. People are naturally attracted to homes with cohesive designs and quality furniture, where they can picture themselves living. Even though buyers know that the furniture won't be staying, it's the seen potential for elegance and luxury that encourages higher offers and immediate results.

There are two ways to stage a condo: hire a pro or do it yourself. In either case, you want to make a stunning first impression on every potential buyer who walks through your door. We've all heard the saying, "first impressions last forever" and this couldn't be more true for real estate.

Ideally you don't want anyone living in a space you're trying to sell. This keeps the space neat and tidy, with minimal upkeep. If you or someone else is living in the condo, remove excess furniture, ensure the place is always spotless and don't overlook any clutter. You may have become accustomed to a few notebooks on a desk or the extra laundry basket in the hall, but potential buyers will be seeing all of these things for the first time and they will be turned off. This is especially true in a condo environment, where less is more and a small amount of excess belongings can draw significant amounts of life from a room.

When people browse real estate, they want to gain inspiration from what you've done with the place and see room for growth. One of the best elements in in creating an inspiring home is open space.

Decorating with open space doesn't mean having empty rooms. In fact, an under-decorated room can be as much of a turn-off as an overly cluttered room. So instead, focus on minimal but beautiful pieces of furniture and bright, inviting living spaces. Decor made of mirrors and glass often does a great job of subtly opening up a space.

What works best for each space is going to vary but the reigning principles are the same: people want open space, and lots of it. Let in the light and the fresh air, keep your rooms feeling crisp and bright, and you're halfway there. Simply show off the condo's best features, inspire your buyers and the property will be sold in no time!

Visit MinneapolisLoftsAndCondos.com for a range of properties and information about Northeast Minneapolis condos. Our tailored market search can find you the greatest Minneapolis condos and lofts.

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