Tuesday, May 24, 2016

What Is A Patent Paralegal

A patent paralegal is a specialized type of legal professional who works under the direction and/or supervision of an attorney or team of attorneys within the realm of patent law. You will find patent paralegals working in law firms, patent agencies/offices and universities. The field of patent law is highly specialized and complex, so attorneys and offices that work with patent applicants require specialized assistance. It takes years to process all the paperwork and fulfill all the requirements to have a patent granted for an invention or idea. Without the services of patent paralegals, most lawyers wouldn't be able to do it on their own. Patent paralegals perform important duties, including analysis, precise documentation and days upon days of thorough research to ensure there are no similar inventions or ideas already in existence.
How to Become a Patent Paralegal
Patent paralegals follow the same path as other paralegals, which either starts with a two-year associate's degree or a four-year bachelor's degree in paralegal studies or a similar subject. It is important to take classes that cover the subjects of copyright law, intellectual law, litigation and patent law if you are planning on taking your paralegal career in this direction. Since patent law is such a specialized legal field, many attorneys and law firms prefer paralegals who have a bachelor's degree with a focus on patent law, or associate's degree-holders who have taken additional classes in the specific subjects mentioned above.
Specific skills to work on include high-level writing, thorough research, careful note-taking, precise documentation, organization and communication. Additional experience through internships and entry-level positions may also be required before one is able to secure a job as a patent paralegal.
Job Outlook and Salary for Patent Paralegals
Patent paralegals are very much in demand right now due to the highly specialized nature of their job, and the demand is expected to continue increasing, according to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics. The pay is also higher than the average paralegal's. The average annual salary for patent paralegals is more than $ 67,000 per year, and that could increase based on years of experience, education, skills, merit, location and employer. It takes a lot of hard work to get into this field, and the hard work doesn't end once on the job. For those who are willing to make the sacrifices, however, there are many rewards.

Find complete information about top paralegal schools which are offering paralegal training in various courses and programs at ParalegalSchoolsU.com. Choose the best school and program for you in the preferred location and start your career in paralegal.

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