Monday, May 9, 2016

Seminar: Systems to Green Your Project

Seminar: Systems to Green Your Project
The industry is filled with systems and tools for greening a building or project. Join us for an educational seminar about what you need to know to utilize LEED v4, the WELL Building Standard, and WasteCap TRACE. Pending 3.0 GBCI CE and AIA LU 7:30 - 8:00 AM: Breakfast and networking 8:00 AM: LEED v4 - Better buildings are our legacy Presented by: Phil Vetterkind, Director, Sustainable Building Solutions USGBC's LEED green building rating system has been a significant driver for market transformation since its debut in 2000. LEED v4 is the latest version of the system and was released in November 2013 at the Greenbuild International Conference and Expo. This session will provide an update of the development process, and a general overview of the technical changes. It will also include an early look at supporting tools and resources for the LEED v4 program. Learning objectives include: Ability to articulate the overarching environmental priorities of the LEED v4 program Describe the new credits within the LEED v4 program and their environmental value List the new market sectors that LEED v4 accommodates Summarize the technical changes from LEED 2009 to LEED v4 9:15 AM: What is WELL? Presented by: Theresa Lehman, Director of Sustainable Services, Miron Construction Co. Sustainability in the built environment is not just about "quantity reduction;" it is also about "enhancing quality." An increasing emphasis is being placed on human health, and as a result many sustainably-minded organizations are merging their wellness and sustainability initiatives. Grounded in medical research that explores the connection between human health and the indoor environment, where people spend 90 percent of their time, WELL places people at the heart of design, construction and operations by focusing on increasing the quality of their environment through air, water, nourishment, light, fitness, comfort and mind, to create built environments that enhance human health and wellbeing. Managed by the International WELL Building Institute (IWBI), whose mission is to improve human health and wellbeing through the built environment, the WELL Building Standard is third-party certified by the Green Business Certification Incorporation (GBCI), which also administers the LEED certification program. This presentation provides an overview of the WELL Building Standard, a performance-based system for measuring, certifying, and monitoring features of the built environment that impact human health and wellbeing, and introduces the framework, concept categories (air, water, nourishment, light, fitness, comfort and mind), certification process and fees. Learn about the WELL Building Standard and its potential to add measurable value enhancing human health and wellbeing such that you will be able to: Identify the 7 concepts of the WELL Building standard, the health impacts they address; Recognize the structure of the WELL Building Standard and the high-level strategies needed to achieve a healthy built environment; Understand the overlap and differences between WELL and LEED; Articulate the benefits of WELL certification; and Identify the certification process of the WELL Building Standard 10:30 AM: WasteCap TRACE  Presented by: Joe Liebau Jr., Executive Director, WasteCap Resource Solutions Learn more about TRACE, WasteCap's free online documentation program that tracks ongoing construction and demolition debris recycling and documents the results. The program helps to streamline this process by saving time spent calling haulers, tracking numbers and calculating results. TRACE gathers info required by governmental entities and certification programs, like LEED and Green Guidelines for Healthcare. Learn more about all the features TRACE offers from WasteCap's Executive Director, Joe Liebau, as well as success stories behind numbers tracked in TRACE from projects in construction, deconstruction, salvaging and other recycling efforts.   12:00 PM: End of seminar About the presenters Presenter: Theresa Lehman, LEED Fellow, USGBC Faculty, LEED AP BD+C, ID+C, and Provisional WELL AP, Director of Sustainable Services at Miron Construction Co., Inc. Theresa has dedicated her entire career to sustainable practice, and working to "lead by example to demonstrate the benefits of the triple bottom line (people, planet and payback) through education, corporate culture and practical construction solutions." Ovehe last fifteen years, Theresa has worked on more than 80 projects seeking LEED certification utilizing many of the LEED green building rating systems, leading the LEED certification process for projects in the commercial, retail, healthcare, K-12 education, higher education, religious, manufacturing, industrial, and government markets that have successfully been awarded Certified, Silver, Gold and Platinum LEED certifications. She piloted the Lake Mills Elementary School in the LEED v4 Beta Program, the only K-12 school among the 122 beta projects. Learn more about Theresa Presenter: Joe Liebau Jr., Executive Director, WasteCap Resource Solutions Joe has worked for WasteCap Resource Solutions for the past 8 years. During that time he has worked as Business Manager, Project Manager and for the last 5 years as Executive Director. Previous to that he worked for Brown County in their Hazardous Waste department. Joe has spent his entire life working toward his passions. He focuses on the environment, community and people. He is able to say his entire life because he grew up working and enjoying life on a small dairy farm in Chilton, Wisconsin. That passion is coupled with his vision and growth of WasteCap. During his time there he has grown the organization to focus on sustainability in the built world. That could be helping on the sustainability goals of a 0 million power plant build or deconstructing a foreclosed home in the City of Milwaukee. Most recently, he helped WasteCap create a Salvage Warehouse to save historical items from foreclosed properties before demolition by the City of Milwaukee. The warehouse focuses its effort on employing unemployed and underemployed individuals from neighborhoods most affected by foreclosures. They are taught construction skills through deconstruction to hopefully transition into jobs in the larger construction industry. Learn more about Joe Presenter: Phil Vetterkind, LEED AP O+M, Director, Sustainable Building Solutions As Sustainability Director, Phil is responsible for working with the project team in order to identify opportunities and assist with implementing strategies that will enhance sustainability goals and LEED Certification initiatives on the project. Phil has worked as a project sustainability and LEED Consultant on over 30 LEED Certified Projects in the State of Wisconsin. His hands-on knowledge and experience with the rating systems and best practices in sustainability will be a great asset to the team. Phil has successfully administered sustainability goals that have attained Silver, Gold, and Platinum LEED Certifications and Energy Star ratings as high as 99! Learn more about Phil Picture credit: Tricia Shay Photography

at UWM School of Public Health
North 10th St. & West McKinley Ave.
Milwaukee, United States

Orignal From: Seminar: Systems to Green Your Project

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