Tuesday, May 10, 2016

How Staging Your Home Can Flood You With Offers To Buy

There is a lot more to getting your home sold and sometimes it definitely is what meets the eye, what meets the eyes of potential buyers that is. The first impression that your home makes on a potential buyer can make or break a deal. Before you call that real estate agent to get their help in selling your house, there are a number of things that you might as well go ahead and get done now before they come to take a look.

Anyone who has already sold a home will tell you that it can cost a bundle of money to get into a home, but sometimes it can cost a good size chunk of cash just to get out of one. If there are any major repairs that a home is in need of like a new roof, major plumbing issues that might have caused water damage, you might as well go ahead and invest in getting them fixed before you try to sell or be prepared to get less than you might have anticipated. When someone buys a home, sometimes they do not mind doing some cosmetic things, but unless they are buying the home to flip, most people do not want to be burdened with having major repairs to be done.

All of that aside, if there are no major issues to contend with, then you can move on to some cosmetic ones. Making sure you repair any small things in the home missing cabinet knobs or handles, squeaking doors hinges, just any small thing that is noticeable will help. Making sure there is no peeling wall paper and putting on a fresh coat of neutral toned paint is always a good idea. Everything needs to be scrubbed down and spotlessly clean especially kitchens and bathrooms.

What is meant by staging is when the home is completely de cluttered and only nice pieces of furniture are used sparingly throughout the house. The curtains and bedding need to be matched and look neat. Keep the amount of accessories to a minimum. You want the potential buyer to be able to see how much space is available and allow them to envision their own things in the home. This can be difficult for them to do if it is too cluttered and unorganized.

When everything is fresh and clean and the furnishings are in good taste, you will stand a much better chance of selling your home quickly and getting the price you want as well. Staging does not require a lot of expense. With just a little clearing out and making sure things have an elegant and inviting look, you probably will get flooded with offers from interested potential buyers.

Aydan Corkern is a writer of many topics, visit some of her sites, like
denver water damage restoration and new york water damage restoration.

Orignal From: How Staging Your Home Can Flood You With Offers To Buy

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