Monday, May 9, 2016

Birth Injury Litigation Information for Concerned Parents

This is for parents who are searching for a birth injury attorney. Two pieces of advice that are hard won: (1) start a journal immediately, (2) higher a birth injury lawyer - not a general purpose personal injury lawyer. The road to financial compensation for your child and your family's losses is long and hard. Birth defects occur inutero, i.e., from the moment of conception to the start of labor. Birth injuries, on the other hand, can happen from the onset of labor, through birth and into the carrying out of those duties immediately after birth.

The first step in winning birth injury litigation is having the information your birth injury attorney will need if he is to successfully argue your case. This means you must start a journal - now, if you haven't already done so. In your journal you will keep track of your child's medical condition (e.g., doctor's appointments, medical procedures, medicines, etc.), your legal progress (appointments, results) and your expenses.

It is inevitable that these types of cases - birth injuries and birth defects - can require large settlements. This is sadly the case because compensation must be sufficient to cover losses over a lifetime. For this reason, do your child the favor and follow this second bit of advice: find a birth injury attorney, not just a personal injury lawyer. You want a specialist.

Birth defects can be caused by exposure of the fetus to toxins, they can be genetic, they can be caused by certain medications, they can be caused by the mother's substance abuse.

Long term physical conditions and disabilities that have resulted in birth injury litigation include brain damage (prenatal asphyxia or vacuum extractors), brachial plexus injuries, cerebral palsy (forceps), Erb's palsy (shoulder nerve damage) and jaundice that wasn't not treated.

Check out for comprehensive resources on how to select a good birth injury attorney. Follow the links to find all the information that you may want about topics such as cerebral palsy at your fingertips.

Orignal From: Birth Injury Litigation Information for Concerned Parents

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