Most people buy through their cards. It is very convenient to use. For large-scale acquisitions, you do not have to bring large amounts of cash. But we must remember that our credit cards contain valuable personal information that may be stolen and cause our nightmare.
Thieves can use stolen information in two ways. They can open a new credit card and register in your name, allowing you to pay for the purchase. Another method is to steal your credit card and use it as your own credit card. Unless you report it immediately, the thief will like to use it.
There are signs that a card is illegal. Therefore, the person handling the payment or the salesman should pay attention to the signs of fraudulent card payment. If the person using the card cannot display any other ID card, the card may not be good. The thief may not have any other identity that resembles the information that appears on the credit card. Another signal is that fraudsters usually do not sign a bill because the back of the card usually has a sample signature of the real owner. A different signature means that he is not the real owner of the card.
Fortunately, there are ways to protect your credit card. One is to always pay close attention. Do not put it in public places. For example in the workplace, you may not know it, but identity thieves may be at the next workstation. Don't put it in your car. Because thieves will definitely find a way to catch it.
Always protect your personal identification number or PIN and security code. Do not write down this information, as the identity certificate may be misplaced and may fall into the hands of criminals. Protect it when you travel.
Once you have purchased the product, please check the card immediately when it is returned to you. Make sure it is your card. You should also check the device's use when accessing your card, as it could be a stealing device. Credit card fraud is also becoming a global issue as a way to obtain personal information. The best way to avoid this situation is to use your credit card in a reputable store and get a full license and a commercial license.
If you try to find a credit card, report it immediately. Should prevent stolen or lost cards to prevent thieves from using it. If your card list and its ID number are filed in a safe place, it will be easier to report such cards. Please remember your card company's contact number or hotline number.
Regularly viewing billing statements is also very helpful to you. You will easily identify unauthorized purchases in this way. If you can find any information, report it to the company company immediately. Especially when calling, pay special attention to your card number. Only provide information to reputable organizations. Since your account is in a dangerous situation, you must have the correct information for that person on another line. A mistake, it may make you rich.
Orignal From: Guard your credit card
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