Monday, June 11, 2018

Does "Free Report" have it's day?


We have been flooding free reports for many years. Most people promise to tell you that you can earn huge amounts of money or other benefits within a few hours of the week. And it is not only online, you can find these offers. I subscribed to an informative and inexpensive magazine called "Australia Business and Money Creation Opportunity"

which allowed me to grasp the pulse of small businesses. Each question is full of advertisements, and many people provide free reports. Only a few provide free information.

However, if readers only provide them with information that advertisers want them to read in order to promote sales, then what is the driving force of free reporting or free information to readers? My guess is that it is small. Does anyone really want to pay money to give them information on what they want to sell? I doubt it. So the "free" part is redundant. These reports are not real reports but sales channels. everybody knows.

I have seen so many free reports, so I no longer offer to get them. In fact, I found that the habitual and unchanging quotation for free reporting was almost disgusting; I wanted to know why people did not use some alternatives. After all, if you are surrounded by too many things, will it lose its influence?

If the free report is dead, the question arises: What is it instead?

Clearly, the basic concept of free reporting is to sell something to potential customers. In rare cases, the value of a free report may provide useful and valuable information. This is the case. It may create a reciprocal feeling between the presenter and the recipient. Then, when the recipients are ready to purchase, they can purchase from the people who gave them valuable.

So, as marketers give those who are valuable to them, we can bring us cost-effectiveness and generate a reciprocal attitude? Information products are very popular. That is, I will provide you with valuable information, for example, if you consider using my real estate agent as a sales agent, how to prepare to sell the house. The so-called "viral marketing" media has effectively taken over this role. Viral marketing is where you give someone free and useful information (usually an e-book) and contains links to you or an affiliate. Sales website. Because it is both useful and free, it spreads like a virus (so supporters say). Then, when readers click on the link and make a purchase, you can earn income.

I know some people have achieved great success in viral marketing. That's great. Perhaps we need to be more creative now and find some other novel ways to attract our prospects. For example, a company that sells link management software provides a free little software that lets you see how many other websites link to yours. This is an intelligent way to both provide reciprocal feelings and demonstrate the value of its major software products. It also has a long life... Whenever users run the software, they are reminded of how useful a link management program is.

I give the client a software program that opens with a splash screen with my commercial logo and website link. Others use screensavers and applications to perform spam checking ezines or re-analyzing blocks of text so that they have only 60 characters before the line break. Dr. Ken Evoy presented monthly awards to people who participated in the raffle at his site. In the past, I have abandoned PDF calendars, discount coupons and bookmarks in the physical world.

If you want people to sit up and notice, don't whip the dead horse of the free report. You, what we all need, have almost no production costs, form a reciprocal attitude among the recipients, sell our products or services, and if possible, be persistent.

It's up to you. For heaven, let your creative results flow, give us all free report breaks, and come up with some values ​​that are of interest to us. When you do this, you will draw my attention. At the same time, anyone can get a free report (just kiddin).

Copyright Robin Henry 2005


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